Monday, March 2, 2015

Welcome to My Madness

Over the years, I have had people tell me that I should start a blog, or some recording of the lighting-flashes of thoughts I think and words I speak. Honestly, I talk so much that I tend to tune out the sound of my own voice, but apparently the madness of my life prompts me to express dramatic tangents that are a mix of humorous and (somehow) inspiring. So here I am, folks, finally not so lazy that I'm starting this process, but still lazy enough that I am typing from my bed. In the middle of the day.

I'll be the first person to point out that my life can be a bit of a hot, bubbling mess. The year 2014 was by far the most maddening year of my life, just a big ol' blob of beauty, insanity, hair-ripping, glorious, you've-got-to-be-kidding-me-moments. It began with me finishing my last semester of college, which was simultaneously the best and worst semester in the history of ever. Getting hired by PG County in March, graduating in May, saying goodbye to my IUP friends that had become my sisters, moving back to Maryland for good, getting married in June, spending the summer learning to cook for a husband with Crohn's Disease and other food intolerances, starting my first big-girl-job in August as a kindergarten autism-intensive teacher (the job is as hard as it's title is long), being diagnosed with stress-induced allergies and discovering my kidneys are the culprit for my being chronically "under the weather", and attempting to kick teacher-butt in the midst of it all. OH. MY. GOODNESS. The stories I could tell about every single one of these categories go on and on and on and on. Which, apparently, is what many people believe, hence the suggestions to start a blog. 

I don't believe in ranting on Facebook like most people of my generation do. In fact, I refuse to let myself sign up for Twitter, because I already get myself into enough trouble blurting out the "facts of life", observations, and sarcasms that go through my thick skull on a regular basis. I really don't need an outlet to hastily post rash, blunt thoughts that can shock as quickly as I hit "post." On Facebook, there are plenty of people who really don't want or care to hear my opinion on politics (yeah seriously, just don't post that stuff there, Facebook is for stalking and looking at pictures of babies and far-away friends and relatives) or what I think about Fifty Shades of Grey. But if you're on my blog, you made a conscious decision to explore what I have to say. You may not like it, and that's perfectly fine, but you also took a peek to see what I think.

And, quite frankly, it doesn't even matter if no one ever takes a peek, or if after one swift read they never revisit. I am an individual who feels like I just ended a therapy session after a good, long rant. This is just as much for me as it is for anyone else. Of course, I still hope this can service others. I exude passion in most things I do, but I am most passionate about 3 things: my faithful God, my friends and family, and the 7 beautiful and incredible boys I have the honor of teaching. I know I am not the only one out there who cares about these categories, or the only one who benefits from reading what others have to say about these topics. That is, for the majority, what I will be writing about. I am so passionate about these categories, that I can never talk about them enough. So here I am, about to do exactly that.

Welcome to my madness.

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