About Me

Hi, everyone! My name is Caitlin, and I am a newlywed in my first year of teaching. I graduated in 2014 from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) dual certified in Early Childhood and Special Education, and specialized in urban education through the Urban Track. I am currently teaching in the Washington D.C. area as an autism-intensive kindergarten teacher. I have a classroom of 8 students on the spectrum, who double as the most incredible 6 year-old beings in this universe. I have always had a love for children, and I am passionate about reaching and teaching those who are on the Autism Spectrum. It is my goal in life to be the biggest advocate for those with autism that I can be (through teaching and living), while simultaneously being the best wife I can be to greatest husband in existence, a man I certainly don't deserve, all to the glory of my God. With this blog, I hope to help and humor those who teach, as well as are young and married/in love and trying to do it all.

Feel blessed and beautiful,

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